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Fetisch Kurzgeschichte: Natursekt Oralverkehr zwischen Dom Sub

Fetish short story: pee oral sex between dom sub

Video shoot with pee and caviar and urine oral sex in the shower

My personal preference for wet pleasure and this sexual I discovered playing with my second master. Our togetherness developed a certain momentum of its own, so that he never did anything demanded, but I myself developed these ideas to satisfy my Lord delight. So I developed a preference, set tasks or “Prove” penalties with film and image material. I noticed that it excited me immensely, especially myself in a complete close-up to film. For example, when playing with toys or going to the toilet performing or masturbating. I once made a video for the gentleman, in which I hit myself on my middle with a wooden spoon and while masturbating. When I watched the video afterwards, I noticed I see the mons pubis, which is getting redder and redder. This is one of the big ones Possibilities when documenting sexual acts, namely “Evaluation” afterwards. The video shows exactly which touches and in which interactions the body reacted, be it with excitement, Rejection or even indifference.

If I'm involved in the interaction myself, it doesn't happen so much especially when it comes to small and subtle nuances. Of course heard also a portion of self-love and exhibitionism to make it happen To be able to really enjoy the exhibition. But also a punitive one An effect that is intended to humiliate in a playful manner is not left out, although every punishment and every “humiliation” is always mutual agreement takes place. Once the Lord ordered me to do penal labor. I had to swim naked in a quarry pond where naked bathing was permitted. What sounds rather harmless in itself takes a little bit of overcoming, especially if it's the first time and unusual. I dared without panties I didn't want to bathe at this point, but naked bathing was on has nothing to do with eroticism.

BDSMpics of latex dominatrix with urine sample and masturbation

When staying in nature it is always important that no cause public nuisance and comply with all regulations and laws is held. The ultimate pleasure on excursions into nature primarily through sensory experiences. This is a whole different experience than in the bathtub at home. The connection with the Nature and the inclusion of it can trigger a true sensory explosion. Of course it's different, but you can also achieve it through self-experimentation Findings that later became very useful to the gentleman in his session preparations can be helpful.

This is applied to the top of the chest and the inside of the thighs an extremely pleasurable experience. These impressions and reactions on the It is possible to capture the skin's appearance with images and film material create wonderful experiences.

Back home, I first take a shower. While I mean Soap your body, the shower curtain suddenly pulls back and Strong male hands grasp my full breasts from behind. She massage the soft meat and knead it firmly. Pleasant showers running down my back. I tip my head back and groan with pleasure. A man in his masculine and beautiful glory enters Shower. His penis is already standing straight up, his glans is already bulging swollen. We kiss deeply and possessively.

Oral sex dom sub with drinking pee and smell of urine

I take some shower gel and lather his strong body with it. The Fragrant foam partially covers our bodies and keeps running down down and causes a tingling feeling on the skin. His Calloused hands now press mine gently and decisively at the same time Shoulders, implying a request to get on your knees. In front of him Kneeling, I see his magnificent penis towering in front of me twitching and rocking with pleasure. He grasps my head with both hands and guides gently insert his swollen glans into my mouth. I suck greedily Looking at her, I love it passionately, totally giving myself up while sucking. He thrusts a few times, groaning, before pulling his penis out of my mouth withdraws unexpectedly. I look into his face from below, surprised blue eyes. He smiles suggestively and brings his magnificent pole close to my mouth and lightly nudges my lips. I realize what it is about him and what he intends to do.

I open my mouth smiling. I rub it greedily into my breasts. Apparently he's not finished yet, because he asks me to come in To lay in the tub and spread my legs in front of him to close myself further pamper.

Homemade bdsm between dom and sub with pee active and Urine examination oral sex

I position myself excitedly, letting his eyes meet mine Wander inside and patiently and greedily scan. He probably has to do a lot beforehand have drunk, because he starts again and directs the jet straight up my middle. Since I'm very fond of it, I pull my labia apart and receive its beam in my vagina. The urging of the The urine stream feels extremely pleasure-increasing and gives me immediate pleasure a violent orgasm, so that my whole body trembles.

When he had finished peeing and I had recovered a little from the orgasm, He gave me his hand and helped me get back on my feet. Then turned he turned me around, my back turned to him. His gripped me again strong, hairy hands on my hips and led me very close to his hard erection approaching. I opened my legs a little that he could easily penetrate from behind. With a single thrust he slid into me and immediately took possession of me with violent and deep thrusts.

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