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Ratgeber: Fetisch in Beziehung ansprechen?

Advisor: address fetish in relationship?

How does a fetish arise in a person? What fetishes are there? Should you tell your partner about this? How can you with yours? Live out your fetish with a partner or alone?

Questions after questions that you probably have in the course of your fetishism have come up before, can that be? In our guide we go get to the bottom of various topics and give you tips and possible ones Answers to your questions. Jessy is also busy in hers Podcast about fetishes and relationships. But let's start from the beginning: What is a fetish?

A fetish can be defined as a sexual interest in an object, an Body part or an activity can be defined. This can be about but also something familiar like leather, feet or everyday objects about more specific things like bondage, latex or crossdressing. Fetishes can be very personal and intimate to the person who has them. She can also be taboo and not subject to social conventions are equivalent to. There are recognized kinks such as the high heel fetish and not accepted like age play or games with feces. We address the question how fetishes arise in people, what types of fetishes there are and how you can live out your fetish and have a good one at the same time Maintaining a relationship with your partner.

How do fetishes arise?

Saying that fetishism is a diverse sexual interest, would be an understatement. Fetishists can desire one Feeling a seemingly harmless object or body part (e.g. butt, hair) or fetishize a material or a particular item of clothing (e.g silk, nylon). Fan hype surrounding a star is also one to a certain extent kind of fetishism. What all fetishes have in common, however, is that they... arise from a strong desire that longs for satisfaction.

The origins of this imaginative form of sexuality are complex and not completely clarified. Depth psychology recognizes this different paths of origin. But modern medicine clearly says that A fetish is not an indication of mental illness or misdirection Spirit is. This was significantly different in earlier eras and continued Those affected are under enormous pressure. One theory is that fetishism is a... is a psychosexual phenomenon that occurs in childhood. In particular is believed to be due to feelings of powerlessness and helplessness arises. Another theory says that fetishism began in early experiences with female sexuality. A kink can However, they only develop in adulthood.

Regardless of its origins, fetishism is usually considered a stable sexual interest that continues into adulthood is enough and connects. While previously it was assumed that it is a predominantly male phenomenon, more recent ones have Research has shown that fetishes are also relatively common among women happen. Ultimately, fetishism is a diverse and largely misunderstood sexual interest that exists among people of all Genders and backgrounds occur.

What types of fetishes are there?

When most people think of fetishes, they think of sexual ones Attraction to objects or body parts not traditionally considered are considered sexualized. However, fetishes are very diverse, and people you can develop them for a variety of things. Among the most common Incidents include foot fetish, nylon fetish, latex fetish, Leather fetish and rubber fetish. The feel, look and smell of the Materials are the focus of interest.

The range of effects can range from relatively mild to extremely intense range and affect a single object or multiple objects. In each In this case, it is important to remember that there is no real one or wrong way to experience a fetish. Every person is different. What animates one person doesn't excite another at all. Ultimately is What matters is that both parties involved agree and enjoy it have practice.

Discuss fetish passion with your partner?

If you have a fetish, this can be a way to deal with it partner to talk about it. In the best case scenario, open discussion can lead to contribute to a more fulfilling sex life for both and avoid misunderstandings or prevent hurt feelings. If you decide to do so, Talking to your partner about your fetish is essential to proceed sensitively and respectfully, because this is the case for every person Personal sexuality is something very personal. Pay attention to the reaction Your counterpart and respect their boundaries. When both are ready, Exploring the fetish together can be discussed in the next step the form in which the fetish finds its place in the relationship.

Compassionate communication is fundamentally key when it comes to this is about discussing a fetish with your partner. If you are honest, You can have a more pleasant sexual relationship through the exchange contribute. You can find tips for such a conversation in the podcast episode 1 by our life coach Jessy. Be sure to listen and recommend!

To be fair, we would like to say at this point that not everyone Relationship conversation is positive or there are good reasons for it, against open expression of fetishes within the partnership decide. This is also perfectly fine and shouldn't to be judged. Especially when it comes to an extreme or very If the fetish is unusual, it could be possible that the fetishist is experiences rejection or has to have existential fear. A balancing of pros and cons Contradiction is therefore important and should be discussed before such a couple's conversation be well thought out. Podcast episode 2 is about exactly this Considerations before making a decision. Jessy informs you detailed and will help you. For differentiated questions Please feel free to contact us. Then you have the opportunity to create an individual one Arrange an online consultation with our luminary.

Find a way to have sex that both of you want

If you have a fetish, it would be advisable to find a way to live it out Find one that works for you and your partner. If your partner He might initially react negatively to the fetish still agree to try it out if you understand it and address them in a sensitive way. It's best if I sit down with yours Partner together and explain to him what the content of your fetish is what characterizes it and why you are interested in it. Emphasize that you don't want to put pressure on anyone to do anything. which he does not agree with.

Next, you could discuss how the fetish fits into your sex life can be integrated so that it is comfortable for both. If you go to For example, if you like restraints, you could suggest using restraints during sex use or role play with BDSM elements as part of foreplay to install. If you desire your partner's feet, it would be an extensive one Foot massage is a sensual variant of sexual interaction. All is this is mutual agreement. Finds an activity that is in does not create mental pressure or cause bad feelings for anyone involved. Discover the erotic on a journey of discovery together Treats and toys that both find appealing and your sex life makes it more exciting. With imaginative creativity it can be more likely will have to find a way to perform the fetish in a way that works for both of them works and no one feels excluded or disadvantaged.

What if your partner reacts negatively?

It is an unpleasant situation if you use all your courage you have put together and with your partner's lack of understanding will be confronted. It can be very frustrating and disappointing, this Having to experience within a love community. Nevertheless, it is It is important that you perhaps try to understand his perspective understand. Maybe the idea of ​​fetish games makes him feel not comfortable or finds it too unusual. Social conventions and values ​​are deeply anchored in a person. Likewise those the upbringing you enjoyed and the parental home from which your love comes. It It may well be that fetishes are simply unknown and still are no encounter with it took place. It's best not to accept a rejection too personal or as an affront to you as a person. Your counterpart Just isn't into the same things as you. It happens. Whatever is always the reason for your partner, not your fetish with you If you want to live out your loved one's wishes, it is important respect. Because a no means no, as unfortunate as it may be.

In this case, look for another way to satisfy your fetish needs to explore. Here, too, Jessy is excellent in podcast episode 2 Relationship tips. Maybe you'll find a willing friend or a friend Girlfriend or go to a professional who will help you express your erotic feelings to fulfill wishes. Whatever you decide, force your partner never to do anything he doesn't agree with. That can lead to one Break between you or, in the worst case, lead to an end to the relationship.

Talk to each other about your shared sexuality

Sex and emotional intimacy can be fundamental parts of a relationship be. And they are sensitive topics that affect deep levels of consciousness and are difficult to discuss. A way to communicate facilitate, could be, open about your wishes, ideas and to speak fantasies. This can positively contribute to building trust and To build understanding between you and your partner and enjoy sex To make you both more exciting and lively. Maybe you are unsure where to start? A tip at this point would be to have one to tell a fantasy that has been on your mind lately or about a sexual experience from your past that you enjoyed. However, don't overdo it with crushes from exes, as your Otherwise, Herzblatt could probably get jealous. Please talk too not exclusively from you and include your sweetheart in the mental cinema a. Ask him about his own wishes and ideas. To this In this way you will surprise each other and possibly learn new things know the wicked facets of each other. If you talk openly about sex, you automatically reach a higher level of connection within you Partnership.

Good tips for living out your fetish alone

Have you always wanted to live out your fetish, but didn't know how to do it? right, how? Here are some professional tips from us to get you started in your fetishism enormously easier. First, take enough Time to find out what makes up your fetish, what it is for means to you and how much space it should take up in your life. At Which activities or scenarios are you specifically interested in? Are there certain objects or items of clothing that arouse you? find?

As soon as you know your own wishes very well, you can do the next thing Step look for ways to weave it into your sex life– alone or with other people. If you are in a relationship, be brave and talk to your partner about your fantasies and ask him, whether he would be willing to try them out. However, if you are single, there is There are many options for pursuing your fetish alone or with others. The Internet offers you a variety of websites and forums that deal with Deal with fetishes and address questions about them. There you can You can find like-minded people, talk to them or make appointments. Likewise, there is the way to attend fetish parties or events, either alone or with dates and friends. Whatever you decide If you like to indulge your hot fetish, please make sure that any Interaction – whether online or in real life – safe and amicable happens. Have fun!

Did you like our fetish guide? Then feel free to share it with yours Friends on social networks and recommend us! Comment also your concerns and impressions. We're here for you!

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