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Ratgeber: Tipps und Informationen zum Crossdressing

Guide: Tips and information on crossdressing

Do silicone crossdressers have extreme fetishes?

“Would you perhaps like to do something nice with me? I would find it very exciting if I could do something with you dressed as a woman. I enjoy it and feel incredibly good about it.”

What did the chat partner answer when she received this question from a friend, which really surprised her? The question is definitely brave, asked by a crossdresser. But who are these people who call themselves crossdressers? If you think of a tasty salad vinaigrette when you hear this term, you are completely wrong.

Rather, crossdressing describes a type of fetish that can appear in very different forms. For the practitioners, sexual satisfaction is not always the focus of the event. You can find out here why a crossdresser is not a drag queen and why crossdressing has found a place in society.

What does crossdressing mean?

Crossdressing means the desire of men and women to temporarily slip into the opposite gender role. For example, men wear everyday women's clothing and women take on male attributes. He enjoys wearing a skirt; she enjoys wearing a suit.

The need to wear opposite-sex clothing first emerged consciously in the 1970s, giving rise to the term crossdressing/crossdresser. The majority of crossdressers are men. Originally originating from the homosexual and transvestite scene, these movements initially influenced crossdressing.

Similar to the drag queens, the focus here is on enjoying the change of roles. Whether a performance is staged or a quiet moment alone in the bathroom is preferred varies from crossdresser to crossdresser. In contrast to drag queens, crossdressers can be homosexual or heterosexual. The role reversal does not always involve sexual expression.

For many practitioners, the focus is on having fun. In this respect, the question remains open to what extent crossdressing can be described as a fetish or rather as a hobby, similar to theater lovers. Crossdressing changed over time and became increasingly popular. Today it can be found in theater and film, as a ritual or cultural act, as a political statement or as a means of sexual stimulation.

Men and women in history who crossdressed

Many people primarily associate the term crossdressing with a fetish or an act that is intended to generate pleasure. The man who likes to wear women's underwear and enjoys slipping into the role of a woman for a while.

History contains autobiographies of people who cross-dressed to pursue certain goals. These were often politically motivated. The legend of Johannes Angkicus/Pope Joanna is known from the 13th century. Out of necessity, Johanna disguised herself as a man so that she could learn to read and write.

Due to the strict conventions in force at the time, she was only able to do this as a monk in a monastery. Since she was very inquisitive and ambitious, she caught the eye of the board members and rose higher and higher in the church ranks, all the way to the office of Pope. From today's perspective, it can no longer be clearly reconstructed whether the legend is based on a true event.

Mulan is also known from the history books. A young and courageous woman who took on the role of a man and became a soldier. So she prevented her father from being drafted into the war and took his place.

Especially during the infamous war years, many soldiers recognized the benefit of pretending to be a woman. So they entertained each other in women's clothing to escape the dreariness of everyday life. But deserters were also able to save their lives by escaping a check disguised as a woman, as women were searched much less frequently back then.

Viktoria Says also took advantage of the gender role reversal, as she wanted to become a soldier because of her passion for shooting so that she could serve in the war. Since there was no medical examination to determine suitability at the time, Says assumed the identity of “Hans the Recruit”.

She continued this game of hide-and-seek for three years and successfully remained undetected. After unmasking, she was revered as a war hero and celebrated above all by feminists because she acted more courageously than many of her colleagues and deceived an entire male regime.

Are crossdressers drag queens and transgender?

There are some parallels between crossdressers, drag queens/drag kings and transgenders, but each is unique and cannot be compared with each other. Dressing in gender-atypical clothing does not always mean that crossdressers are transsexual. Being transsexual is therefore not a criterion or condition for crossdressing.

Transgenders therefore have different intentions in terms of content, as do drag queens and drag kings. They usually want to showcase a woman's behavior and appearance in a show with humorous and artistic aspects. The crossdresser, on the other hand, is usually less looking for the big stage than for the personal pleasure of being able to experiment and try out clothes.

Crossdressing and scientific knowledge

Less is known and researched about crossdressing than might be expected. Although this movement has existed since the 70s, this form of fetishism has often lived in secret. But more and more people are fed up with the game of hide-and-seek and are presenting themselves in public with their clothing preferences, regardless of their gender and sex.

So far, science has not found any answers as to exactly why and how crossdressing develops as a preference. Although there are speculations that upbringing and family circumstances could have an influence on this, there is no clear result in this regard. Many crossdressers recount their first experiences between the ages of six and ten when they began experimenting with clothing. In addition, male crossdressing has been researched more extensively than female crossdressing.

In women, reasons other than sexual stimulation are increasingly suspected. Equality has not yet arrived when it comes to crossdressing. Women can wear trousers and suits without being discriminated against and without having to fear social exclusion. Men find it much more difficult to simply put on a dress or skirt as they please without being discriminated against.

Crossdressing in the fashion world

Clothing has always been a means of expressing one's own personality traits or statements. Crossdressing also uses clothing to create an individual style. Dressing up sometimes becomes a political protest or a social act of liberation. By swapping roles, crossdressing shows that everyone can wear what they enjoy.

Gender stereotypes are a relic of days gone by and no longer have any place in the fashion world. The term crossdressing also describes combining many styles. Most of the time, their diversity does not fit together, resulting in a daring mix.

In addition, crossdressing in the fashion world also means bringing together different designers. Combining two styles that don't go together made crossdressing successful and socially acceptable. This is also reflected on the catwalk. Women unabashedly wear male clothing. Men put on makeup and wear high heels and skirts. Some crossdressers walk more confidently in high heels than a real woman.

Crossdressing as an art form

Crossdressing has been around in theater and the art scene for a long time. Dressing up and switching from one role to another has always been part of good acting. Since women were forbidden to work in theaters in Europe for a long time, the male employees had to take on the female roles.

This also included swapping clothes, which really imitated the women portrayed based on their acting skills so that the viewer hardly noticed any difference. Well-known women in the art scene were Sarah Bernhardt and Liesl Karlstadt.

In 1899, Sarah Bernhardt played the male protagonist Hamlet so convincingly that no one suspected a disguised woman behind Hamlet. Liesl Karlstadt acted in a team with Karl Valentin and often played a man on stage. These comedies seemed so real that the masked woman completely disappeared behind the characters.


Very often, crossdressing is experienced and used as a kind of fetish for sexual satisfaction. The reversal of roles and the associated change in gender-typical clothing leads to the climax and the beloved mental flight. Like the use of classic sex toys, clothing is integrated into lovemaking in such a way that it takes on the main role.

But crossdressing can now also be found in many areas of life and is increasingly gaining a foothold in society. Maybe this way the game of hide-and-seek will soon come to an end for those affected! Wouldn't that be wonderful?

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