If you and your partner just seem to be stuck in constant arguments, there are ways to break out of this habitual pattern. But don't worry, there are ways to get closer again. Here are some tips to be able to enjoy your shared fetish relationship again without any worries:
1. Pause and reflect: You have stopped the destructive pattern, which is already an important step. Use the current distance and radio silence to pause. Take time to listen to yourself. What hurt you? What did you find unfair? Write it down, allow the emotions and reflect.
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2. Change your perspective: Try to look at the situation from your partner's perspective. What feelings might he have had? Take responsibility for your part in the argument and figure out what you are sorry for. Even if you can't get through to him at the moment, reconcile with yourself.
3. Couples walk for understanding and compassion: Invite your partner to a “couples walk”. This is not about solutions, but about mutual understanding and compassion. Take turns, share your perspectives and try to reduce the distance between you. There are clear instructions for such conversations that help break old patterns of arguments.
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Final Thoughts
4. Time and multiple appointments: The blockage does not become permeable immediately. Schedule several times for these conversations, each lasting no longer than 30 minutes. Experiment with this new communication dynamic and experience how beneficial it can be to enter new territory together.
No matter what the content was about, connection is crucial. Together you can overcome difficult times and revive your fetish. If you have any further questions, send them to expert Jessy, who will answer your concerns about fetish, love, relationships and partnerships at Rubberfashion.de: jessy@rubberfashion.de
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